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Extra Credit Blog - The Future of Vehicle Technology

I am certain that out of all the classes I have taken at the University of Washington, this is by far the most mentally challenging one in the sense that I am thinking about things in a deeper way I have not before. This is especially true of technology in vehicles. When vehicles were first invented, they consisted of just a motor, wheels, seats and a shell. One can imagine this was probably not a very comfortable ride! However, if you take a look into how vehicles have changed over time it gives you some insight as to where they are going in the future. The vehicle was invented, shortly after, the radio was invented and then, HVAC (this gave vehicles heating and air conditioning). Now, when you walk into a vehicle you can unlock the door with a touch of the finger and your phone connects automatically so you can enjoy music at your convenience. To go further, vehicles have heated and cooled seats that can massage you and warn you if it is safe to cross lanes or not. Keeping all this i

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