My Scavenger Hunt Experience

Walking into class on the day of the scavenger hunt I did not know I was in for such a surprise and really en eye opening experience. When we were first working on the scavenger hunt it was really moron of simple questions that I think anyone could find using a simple google search. However, that quickly changed when I googled information about myself for this hunt. I was able to find the second house we lived in when we first moved to America! While the search was unable to find the address I currently live at, it did find the address my father lives at. I haven't seen my father since I was a child so this was a bit of a shock for me! In addition to this, I was able to find not only the professors home address, but also his little sisters married and maiden name. To me, this really felt like a major breach of privacy. Not to mention, on the website I was using, one could also pay to receive background checks and criminal records.
 I think that all this information being made readily available to the public should be concerning and can even be considered dangerous. Knowing that at any time a stalker or criminal can use a free search engine to find information about me and potentially my home address is a scary thing. I think that these websites should definitely be monitored to ensure that users have good intentions and they should be required to enter their information in order to receive information as an additional security measure.


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