My HTML Experience

This was DEFINITELY an interesting experience. In creating my very own html website I opened up "plaintext" since I am using a Mac and not a windows. Then, I enabled the plain text setting and began to write my code using a "cheat code" I found online that explains the different codes and what they do. Once I was happy with the codes I had typed up, I saved my work as a ".html" instead of ".pdf" and when I opened up my saved doc, it took me directly to a website that has everything I typed up! The website it took me to was file:///Users/mariebechara/Desktop/Untitled.html

This was a really interesting experience and in all honesty it was also a lot of fun. I can definitely see myself wanting to do this again!  I just really enjoyed the feeling of knowing that I was able to create something out of literally nothing using a bunch of random codes. Also, I think it was really interesting that using different numbers had an effect on the font side! For example, when I did <h1 >, the font was larger than we I did <h2>. In addition to this, the smallest font size I used was <p>. This process was very eye opening and I can see how people find such an interest in web development and software development. It is a really special feeling that you get when you see that you actually just created something out of nothing and knowing you can change and edit it to be exactly what you want.

The code I used was ...

<!DOCTYPE html>


<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<h2> This font should be smaller than the first one </h2>

<p> This should be the smallest font!! </p>



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